Actual Case Results
The results shown on this page are actual case dispositions achieved by Criminal Defense Attorney, Matthew J. Ruff. To protect the privacy of each client, we do not publish the actual case names and will never violate the privilege of secrecy of our clients.
Drug and DUI Charges Dismissed for Client Facing Deportation
Matthew was retained by a client charged with possession of ecstacy and cocaine and DUI in west Los Angeles. The problem with his case was that he had been arrested before and this case was subjecting him to possible deportation and loss of professional licenses. Matthew understood the seriousness of the situation and negotiated a dismissal of all charges (both drug possession and DUI) in LAX Court.
Under 21 DUI, Acquitted in Criminal Court, DMV Suspension Set Aside: Matthew was retained by the client's father in late 2012 following a arrest at a DUI checkpoint. The client, age 20, took a breath test which was reported as .06%. Under California's zero tolerance laws the client received a notice of suspension and was given a Court date. Matthew took the case to trial and obtained a "not guilty" on all charges. He subsequently obtained a "set aside" of the DMV suspension on March 7, 2013.
Solicitation of Prostitution Case Dismissed
Matthew got a client's PC647b case dismissed (entire case) in Los Angeles Superior Court. The client was caught in a police sting operation, had a clean record and risked losing his job if convicted of any crime.
Blood Test of .24% Thrown Out at DMV Hearing
Matthew saved a client's license at a APS DUI hearing in Kern County when the hearing officer agreed with Matthew's legal reasoning to exclude a blood test of.24 on grounds that the lab report was not prepared properly.
Felony DUI Case Dismissed
Matthew got the entire case dropped for a client facing 3 years state prison in Compton Court, despite a blood alcohol level of .12 % and three prior convictions, Mr. Ruff fought the case and the District Attorney dismissed. Coincidentally, Matthew also was successful in having PC 245 ADW charges and PC 422 Criminal Threats charges reduced to an infraction, disturbing the peace the same day.
Domestic Violence Case Dismissed in Redondo Beach
Matthew was retained by a client charged with physical assault on his girlfriend after a party. A 911 call was made by the victim's roommate and upon arrival the police were told that the client had struck the girl. Not willing to allow the client to be convicted and lose his security clearance, Mr. Ruff set the case for trial at which time the entire case was dismissed on April 27, 2010.
Two Underage DUI Cases Thrown out at DMV
Matthew was successful in having two seperate underage DUI cases tossed out at the DMV for his clients in the month of April 2010. In both cases, the young clients walked away with their drivers license and nothing on their record. One case was .07% Breath, the other .03% Breath test.
Santa Monica DUI Charges Reduced to Public Intoxication
Matthew's client was stopped after pulling out of a bar parking lot. A blood test showed her BAC to be .19%. Matthew put forward an innovative defense and the charges were reduced to drunk in public on April 29, 2010 in LAX Court. (Coincidentally, Matthew also got a second offense DUI .13% BAC where the client was still on probation reduced to a wet reckless the same day)
Possession of Gun in Vehicle, Case Dropped
Mr. Ruff was hired by the client's mother for her son facing concealed gun in vehicle charges in Inglewood CA. Result: Case Dismissed April 12, 2010.
DMV Hearing, Drivers License Suspension Set Aside
Matthew was hired to defend a client who was arrested in Manhattan Beach at a DUI checkpoint. A DMV hearing was requested and at the hearing Mr. Ruff showed that the alleged blood alcohol level of .09% as stated by the breath machine was wrong. The DMV agreed with Matthew and returned his client's drivers license after the excessive BAC DMV hearing in El Segundo on April 19, 2010.
DUI and Child Endangerment, DISMISSED after Jury Trial
Matthew got all charges dismissed on March 27, 2010 in Santa Clarita CA. The client crashed his car into a center median with his 9 year old son in the car, the police claimed he was under the influence of drugs (Xanax and Muscle Relaxers) and failed FST's, the lab results showed positive results, the majority of the jury agreed with Mr. Ruff about the client's innocence and the District Attorney dismissed the entire case.
Possession of Fake Drivers License Case Dismissed
Mr. Ruff negotiated a complete dismissal of charges his client possessed a fake CA drivers license in Torrance Court on March 9, 2010. The client was not a US citizen and was facing serious immigration consequences if convicted.
Felony Possession of Brass Knuckles at LAX Airport, All Charges Dropped
Because Matthew was hired shortly after the arrest he was able to intervene and obtain an informal hearing with the Los Angeles City Attorney in February 2010 at which time his client was given a warning and all criminal charges were dropped, no LAX Court appearance ever took place.
Two Pending DUI Cases (both alleging 2 priors) Dismissed
Matthew achieved a great result for his client in February 2010 when he got two Drunk Driving cases dismissed and reduced to wet reckless in 2 separate Los Angeles County Courts. The client was facing a potential felony, mandatory jail and a revoked license and one of the 2 open cases had a BAC of above a .20. The client ended up with no jail time and no license revocation.
Petty Theft Charges Dropped
In late 2009 Mr. Ruff was hired by a woman's family shortly after her arrest on petty theft charges in Culver City. She was facing jail and immigration consequences if convicted. Fortunately for her, Matthew knew the Los Angeles County Assistant District Attorney prosecuting her case in LAX Court and he was given an opportunity to present mitigating factors that convinced the D.A.'s office to dismiss all charges upon the completion of a small amount of volunteer work at her church.
Third Time DUI Charges Dismissed
The client was facing 180 days in jail following her arrest for a DUI with two prior convictions. Despite a BAC of .24% and 2 prior convictions for driving under the influence within the last 10 years, Mr. Ruff negotiated a dismissal of the priors and a probation disposition for a first time alcohol class and a fine, (no jail, no 18 month program, no community service or Caltrans) on November 6, 2009.
Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (Ecstasy) Dismissed
Mr. Ruff was retained by a young woman charged with DUI for being under the influence of ecstasy (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) after leaving a rave party. Following extensive negotiations with the district attorney, the DUI charges were dropped on November 5, 2009 in exchange for a plea to a speeding ticket.
Spousal Abuse, Domestic Violence Case Dismissed in Torrance Court
Mr. Ruff's client was charged with Penal Code 273.5 and 243(e)(1) in Torrance following an altercation with his wife wherein she was sent to the hospital with a reported broken leg. The client hired the firm immediately after his release which allowed Matthew to formulate an approach which resulted in a complete dismissal of all charges on October 13, 2009.
Identity Theft, Check Fraud, Criminal Charges in Los Angeles LAX Court-Case Dismissed
Matthew Ruff was retained by a client with a warrant living outside California. The charges were holding up government benefits and so Mr. Ruff went into Court and recalled the warrant and filed a motion to dismiss due to a violation of his client's right to a speedy trial. The case was dismissed on the motion even though the client never appeared in Court on October 6, 2009.
Assault with Deadly Weapon, Road Rage with Vehicle: NOT GUILTY after trial
On June 24, 2009 Matthew Ruff obtained a complete acquittal of ADW charges following a jury trial in the central valley. His client, a truck driver, was accused of ramming another vehicle with her big rig in what the District Attorney described as "road rage". The victory was particulary nice because the client was facing a lifetime revocation of her driving privilege and 4 years in prison.
Filing a False Police Report, DUI, and Resisting Arrest: NOT GUILTY after Jury Trial in Los Angeles Superior Court
On November 6, 2008 a jury in Los Angeles acquitted Mr. Ruff's client of all charges following a 5 day trial in Metropolitan Hill Street Court. The client was accused of being stopped by LAPD for a DUI, running from the police after handing over his drivers license and performing the FST's and breath test and subsequently filing a false police report that his car was stolen and he was not driving. The jury congratulated Mr. Ruff for his powerful defense and the raising of reasonable doubt on behalf of his client.
DUI Refusal , NOT GUILTY after Jury Trial
On June 2, 2008 Mr. Ruff obtained a not guilty on all DUI charges by a Los Angeles County jury in Torrance. His client was accused of DUI, having an open container in a vehicle and refusing to take a chemical test. The client was cleared of all charges.
Felony Burglary Charges Dropped at Preliminary Hearing
On May 21, 2008 Mr. Ruff convinced a L.A. County Judge in Torrance to dismiss all felony charges against his client who was accused of breaking into a vehicle and stealing electronics.
Drunk Driving Charges Dropped, License Returned at DMV
Our client was stopped in Redondo Beach after leaving the pier. His blood was tested and his BAC was .10%. The client believed he was detained without cause so we challenged the reason for the stop (weaving, lane straddling). After presenting evidence at the hearing, attorney Matthew Ruff persuaded the DMV that his client's rights were violated and won a set aside of the suspension on May 17, 2008, the criminal DUI charges were later dropped in Court.
Armed Robbery Charges Dropped
On April 16, 2008 Attorney Matthew J. Ruff was able to get all charges dismissed against a 18 year old client in Torrance Court. The client was accused of robbing a Dominos Pizza delivery person with a gun. The attorney worked with a licensed investigator to uncover exculpatory information about the eyewitness identification. He sat down with the D.A. and negotiated a complete dismissal of all charges. (Client was facing 15+ years).
Intoxication of Controlled Substance, Case Dismissed
On October 10, 2008, Attorney Matthew Ruff convinced a Superior Court Judge in Compton Court to dismiss all charges of H&S 11550 due to violations of his client's Constitutional Rights to a speedy trial.
Domestic Violence Charges Dismissed
Mr. Ruff's client was arrested and charged with PC 273.5(spousal abuse ) PC243(e)(1) and vandalism. The attorney went to Court and obtained a bail reduction and release. Matthew stood behind the client's assertions that the evidence was exaggerated, over-blown and misstated in the police reports. All offers by the D.A. for probation and counseling were rejected and the case was set for trial and all Domestic Violence Charges were dismissed without any witness testimony on February 8, 2008.
Embezzlement and Grand Theft, $38,420.00, Case Dismissed
Our client was charged with multiple felony counts of theft, fraud and embezzlement from a local Torrance Corporation. A warrant was issued for his arrest. Matthew was hired and went to Court with the client and got the warrant recalled and client released on O.R. Mr. Ruff then argued the client's Constitutional rights were infringed and was successful in having the entire case dismissed on November 14, 2007.
2nd offense DUI Case Dismissed in Kern County
On April 30, 2008 our office won a complete dismissal of DUI charges in Ridgecrest, East Kern Court after convincing the appellate Court our client was stopped illegally by the CHP. By showing that the 4th amendment was violated we saved the client months in jail on the new charge and his probation violation.
Felony ADW with GBI Allegation, Dismissed at Preliminary Hearing
Our client was arrested outside a bar in Redondo Beach following a fight. The alleged victim sustained a broken jaw which required surgery. The district attorney wanted substantial jail time on the case. Attorney Matthew Ruff refused to "roll over" due to his belief in the client's innocence. He set the case for hearing and the Judge agreed, all charges were dismissed on December 4, 2007.
Robbery Conviction Set Aside on Immigration Grounds
The client had pleaded guilty to robbery 10 years prior and was facing deportation. Mr. Ruff was retained and filed a motion with the Torrance Court to set aside the conviction which was granted in November 20, 2007
DUI w/ prior, .14% BAC, DUI Charges Dismissed
Our client, a casual longshoremean, was arrested in Torrance for a DUI, he had a prior DUI in 2005 and was still on probation. Mr. Ruff knew he had to find some weakness in the case in order to get a dismissal. He left no stone unturned in his quest and found that the breath machine had a maintenance problem, he took this to the prosecutor and obtained a dismissal of the DUI Charges on March 11, 2008
Felony Drug Possession, DUI with Injury and Hit and Run charges Dropped
The client was arrested in Redondo Beach after fleeing an accident scene. He was accused of drug possession, was intoxicated (.28% BAC) and was on probation in two cases. Mr. Ruff went to Court and got the felony charges dropped, he worked out a deal for a misdemeanor with no jail and his client was reinstated on his probation cases in Manhattan and Hermosa Beach on March 12, 2008.
Second Offense DUI, .19% Blood Alcohol- Case Dismissed
Our client, a career active duty military man, was arrested by local police after they received a radio call from a civilian that the car he was driving was driving erratically. The police officer stopped, arrested and administered a breath test revealing a .19, two and one half times the legal limit in California, thereafter his license was confiscated. Attorney Matthew Ruff was hired and he saw what he believed to be an unlawful stop of the client. He immediately demanded a DMV hearing and argued that the client was stopped without probable cause in violation of the fourth amendment to the Constitution, the hearing officer was persuaded to set aside the license suspension and dismiss the case on June 7, 2007.
Domestic Violence-Spousal Abuse, Not Guilty after Jury Trial
Client, a College professor, was arrested in Westwood for felony spousal abuse and posted $50,000 bail. His wife alleged she was punched in the face and sustained a black eye and brain injury. At trial the victim testified she had $14,000 in medical bills and permanent damage to her eye. Our defense was that the client was acting in self defense and the wife's testimony was not credible. Following a 5 day trial the Los Angeles jury agreed and found our client not guilty of all charges on March 13, 2007.
False Accusation of Child Molestation Exposed, Case Dismissed
Our client, a mechanic, was arrested on a warrant for allegations of child molestation (PC 288.5). The client had recently had a bitter break up with a girlfriend who vowed to "get back at him". Shortly after they ended the relationship, the ex-girlfriend's daughter was brought to the police and made allegations that our client had touched her in a sexual way while he was dating her mother. The client was extradited back to Kern County and faced charges that could result in years of prison time and lifetime 290 sex offender registration. During the preliminary hearing, Attorney Matthew Ruff exposed numerous inconsistencies in the girl's statements about the alleged abuse, and established our theory of defense that the mother was behind the false allegations. Based on the developments at the hearing, the Bakersfield District Attorney dismissed the entire case against our client in April 2007 and he walked out of jail a free man.
2nd Degree Robbery Charges Dismissed
Attorney Matthew J. Ruff was hired after our client had already pleaded guilty to a charge of robbery and was awaiting sentencing. The client, a 42 year old secretary, took some bad advice from her previous lawyer and as a result was going to have a strike on her record forever. Matthew Ruff went into Orange County Court and filed a motion to withdraw her plea to robbery. His investigation turned up favorable defense evidence that was never found by the previous lawyer. In January 2007 the motion was successful, the Judge dismissed the robbery charge and allowed the client to enter a plea to petty theft with a prior, which is not a strike felony.
Criminal Threats, and Battery Charges Dismissed at trial
Our client, a 25 year old student, was arrested in his own home on charges stemming from a domestic dispute. The prosecution requested a sentence of 60 days jail and one year of counseling at the initial Court arraignment, the Judge refused to release him on his own recognizance. Mr. Ruff believed the client's version of events and did not accept that any criminal threats were made. A trial date was set in the Los Angeles Superior Court in Burbank. On March 21, 2007 the Judge granted our motion to dismiss the entire case.
Residential Burglary Charges Dropped, (PC 459)
In November of 2006 Attorney Matthew Ruff saw his client walk out of jail after convincing the District Attorney to dismiss residential burglary charges. The client, a 29 year old male, had previously been represented by the public defender and had sat in jail for over two months before his family retained Mr. Ruff. Through his investigation of the case, he was able to find exculpatory evidence and present it to the Torrance prosecutor handling the case. The ultimate outcome of the case saved the client from a lengthy prison sentence and a "strike" on his criminal record for a Serious Theft Offense
Felony Domestic Violence, Spousal Abuse Charges Dropped
Our client, a 25 year old construction worker, was arrested in Santa Clarita on felony allegations that he assaulted the mother of his child. He was required to post $50,000 bail in order to be released from jail. Thereafter, he retained our office to defend him. We immediately began a discourse with the District Attorney's office and the detective investigating the case. Two days before the client was to appear in the Valencia Court, we got notice the D.A. dropped all charges.
Felony DUI with Injury Charges Dismissed
In December of 2006 Attorney Matthew Ruff obtained a dismissal of felony drunk driving charges for our client, a 32 year old casual Longshoreman. The client had a blood alcohol level of .19% and had ran a red light hitting a car passing thru the intersection. The driver of the other car was injured and spent 3 days in the hospital. Despite the overwhelming evidence, Mr. Ruff convinced the Los Angeles prosecutor to reduce the offense to a standard misdemeanor DUI. The client was immediately released from jail and avoided a lifelong felony conviction and a revocation of his drivers license.
3rd Time DUI Offender on Probation in 2 cases, gets no jail time.
Our client, a 33 year old music studio engineer, was facing 3 years in jail on his third drunk driving charge in 3 years. The LAPD Police report put his blood alcohol level at .16% and he was involved in a accident. Following extensive negotiations, Attorney Matthew Ruff secured a no jail deal for the 3rd time offender in the Los Angeles Court.
Marijuana Possession in Vehicle, Charges Dropped
Our client, a 22 year old student was stopped by the Torrance Police for a cracked windshield, inside his car the officers found marijuana and a pipe. We went to Court on behalf of the client and filed a motion to dismiss, the judge granted our motion and all charges were thrown out.
DMV Suspension Set Aside (DUI Arrest .11% Blood Alcohol)
Our client, a 40 year old crane operator, was facing a four month drivers license suspension due to a Los Angeles DUI arrest. Our office requested a DMV hearing to fight the suspension action. Our investigation revealed a problem in the breath testing procedure which was presented to the hearing officer resulting in a complete set aside of the pending suspension and return of client's license in January 2007.
Shoplifting Charges Dismissed
Our client was arrested outside a store after being detained for shoplifting in Burbank. A conviction of the charge would mean a lifelong mark on his record. With this in mind we met with the local prosecutor and negotiated a complete dismissal of the case conditioned upon completion of a small amount of community service. This result saved our client from probation and a conviction on his criminal record.
Dismissal of Driving on Suspended License, causing injury
Our client was involved in a collision with a pedestrian resulting in a broken leg and massive internal injuries. Our client should not have been driving as his license was suspended. In January 2007, Our office filed a motion with the Los Angeles Court arguing a violation of our client's constitutional rights. The Judge agreed and the entire case was thrown out.
DUI .18% Blood Alcohol, Drivers License Saved, Charges Dismissed
Client was arrested in Kern County and served a notice of suspension. The client was an Oil Company executive and drove as part of his employment, a loss of his license would likely result in termination. Understanding this, Matthew Ruff requested a DMV hearing and the officer testified against the client. Under cross examination the Police officer conceded various points which allowed us to demonstrate an insufficiency of the evidence. The Hearing Officer agreed and set the license suspension aside. All DUI charges were later dismissed in Court.
Marijuana Possession at Los Angeles Airport, Case Dismissed
Client, a 25 year old student, was arrested at the LAX Los Angeles International Airport for having marijuana in his luggage. The client has aspirations of becoming a fire fighter and a conviction would have given him difficulty in achieving his dream. Our office contacted the City Prosecutor and arranged an "informal" office hearing. At the hearing the Prosecutor's office agreed to not file criminal charges and dropped the entire case. The client walked away from the arrest with no conviction and no Marijuana Possession on his permanent record.
Drunk Driving, Breath Test 10% B.A.C, Entire Case Dismissed
Our Firm was hired to represent a 26 year old female, single mother employed at a national Home Improvement chain. The client was stopped by the CHP on the freeway for "weaving". A breath test was administered indicating a .10% blood alcohol level. The Compton District Attorney filed multiple DUI charges against the client. Matthew Ruff filed a barrage of motions attacking every aspect of the State's case. The prosecution approached the attorney and offered a reduced charge, this offer was promptly rejected based on our confidence in the case. Upon hearing on the motions in February of 2007, the Judge agreed with Mr. Ruff and dismissed all charges, no school, fines, or conviction of any type on the client's record.
Hit and Run Charges causing $15,000 in damage, Charges Dropped
Our client, a small business owner, was charged with leaving the scene of a accident after a collision which caused over $15,000 in damages. The incident occurred while the client was visiting the city on business and there were allegations alcohol may have been involved. A conviction of this offense would mean almost certain insurance cancellation and a long drivers license suspension. Understanding the potential consequences, we met with the city prosecutor and negotiated a dismissal of the criminal charges and the case was dropped on May 15, 2007, no conviction! and no license suspension! and no insurance cancellation.
Assault Weapons Charges Dropped
The client, a reputed gang member, was charged with two felony counts by the Los Angeles County District Attorney following a raid and search warrant execution of his home where two assault rifles were found The offer was 16 months in state prison and the client was bound over for trial by a Superior Court Judge. Attorney Matthew Ruff found a weakness in the case and filed a motion to dismiss under 995 of the California Penal Code. At the hearing on the motion the Deputy District Attorney agreed with Mr. Ruff and the case was submitted to the Court. The new Judge granted the motion on May 21, 2007 and the case was dismissed on the technicality discovered by the attorney. The client walked out of Court a free man!
DUI, License Suspension Hearing, .21% B.A.C. Suspension Set Aside
The client, a pusher with an oilfield company, was arrested and submitted to a blood test which later was reported to be a .21% blood alcohol, nearly 3 times the legal limit in California. His license was taken and he was facing termination of his employment if he lost his ability to drive. The client hired attorney Ruff and we requested a formal DMV hearing. At the hearing in May of 2007 Mr. Ruff discovered a technical deficiency in the blood report from the laboratory. An objection was made and the technicality was enough for the hearing officer to agree with the lawyer and set the suspension aside, meaning a dismissal of the action and a return of the client's drivers license.
Resisting Arrest and Public Intoxication Charges Dropped
The client, a young filmmaker, was arrested by the Santa Monica Police and charged with PC148 and PC647f. after a street side argument with a patrol officer. Matthew Ruff was retained and immediately commenced a dialogue with the local prosecutor. In June 2007 all charges were agreed to be dismissed conditioned upon attendance of AA meetings.
Contracting without a License, License Fraud
The client was charged in the L.A. Airport Court with 2 counts by the Los Angeles City Attorney. The Prosecutor wanted jail, probation and $194,000.00 in restitution. Attorney Ruff initiated an innovative approach to obtain exculpatory evidence. The case was dismissed on the day of trial, not satisfied with that, Mr. Ruff obtained a finding of factual innocence on behalf of the client on March 9, 2008.
Other recent Court victories:
DUI Charges reduced to Exhibition of Speed, Hill Street Court, Downtown Los Angeles, April 19, 2010.
DUI Charges dropped, reduced to speeding ticket, in San Luis Obispo County, Grover Beach Court, April 12, 2010.
Third Time DUI in Torrance Court (BAC above .20) reduced to a "wet reckless" saving client from a 3 year license revocation, March 8, 2010.
DUI in LAX Court, .17% BAC reduced to a "dry reckless" in February 2010
2nd Offense DUI in LAX Court, .18 BAC. No Jail Time in February 2010
DUI with accident in Manhattan Beach CA, entire case dismissed on defense motion (5-8-08, Torrance Court Division 2)
DUI Charges in Compton Court (23152A&B) Dismissed 4-14-08
Long Beach PC 273.5, PC 422 charges in Division 8, case dismissed at trial on March 14, 2008
Domestic Violence charges reduced to disturbing the peace as an infraction in Long Beach, February 2008
DUI with refusal, reduced to wet reckless. Hermosa Beach, February 2008
Negligent Operator Commercial Drivers License Suspension set aside by Irvine Driver Safety, June 2007.
DUI with injury (VC 23153) 3 victims, Dismissed, Torrance November 2007
DUI with prior, .13% BAC, Dismissed in San Fernando Court, 9-14-07
.10% DUI, Redondo Beach, Dismissed, June 2007
100 plus speeding ticket dismissed in Kern County, June 2007
Felony Assault on Police Officer in Culver City, Dismissed June 2007.
Stalking and Annoying phone calls, Torrance, Dismissed June 2007
Public Intoxication, Downey Court, Dismissed June 2007.