Beverly Hills DUI Lawyer, Matthew J. Ruff Attorney at Law
Call Matthew Directly For A Consultation 310-527-4100
When you are facing a DUI or other criminal charge you need a Top Tier lawyer, Matthew has over 25 years experience, is rated SUPERB by the nation's top law firm rating service, AVVO. The Beverly Hills Court serves not only the named city but also most of West Hollywood and the "west side" of Los Angeles County. Due to a heavy influx of tourists visiting the downtown shopping districts, Rodeo Drive and the many nightclubs, the Beverly Hills Police Department institutes a strict enforcement policy on all DUI, drunk driving and DWI offenses committed within its borders. As a DUI Lawyer serving the Beverly Hills Court I can attest to the heavy handed tactics that law enforcement utilizes in its efforts to eradicate driving under the influence violators. In light of this environment, there is no doubt that hiring a criminal defense attorney early on in the case will ensure the best outcome of a potentially bad situation.
Top Beverly Hills DUI Lawyer Matthew Ruff, The Highest Success Rate
Top 3 Ways To Beat A DUI Charge
1. You are Not Guilty. If you took a breath test chances are there were errors made in the administration of the test. Most cops overlook important protocol when administering a test. Matt knows how to uncover these errors which may have led to a false positive in your case.
2. You were stopped unlawfully. Yes, police sometimes pull people over for reasons that are not legal, race, whim, curiosity, hunches, there are many reasons why a cop may have pulled you over which Matt can uncover and show the stop was illegal.
3. Your Rights were Violated. The laws in California are very complex and Matt knows them better than anyone. You have various rights such as the right to counsel, the right to be free from warrant less searches, the right to choose which test to take and many others. Matt can expose these violations and get charges dropped.
One of the most common questions asked by people arrested for a DUI is Will I go to jail if convicted of the offense? The answer depends upon many different factors such as whether the person has prior convictions, did the incident arise out of an injury accident and also what was the blood alcohol level of the arrestee. California DUI law mandates jail if the individual has been convicted of a drunk driving offense in the past 10 years, however an experienced Beverly Hills DUI Attorney can find statutory exceptions and/or jail alternatives in many cases.
Attorney Matthew J. Ruff is a California State Licensed Attorney with an office minutes from the Beverly Hills Criminal Court. Over the last 25 years he has defended thousands of clients charged with DUI and drunk driving related charges. One of the advantages he gives his clients is that he goes to Court for them in most cases, thereby sparing them the anxiety, embarrassment and loss of time from work. He can appear and resolve DUI charges for folks that do not live in the Los Angeles area and may have picked up a criminal charge while visiting the state.
The lawyer can litigate all aspects of the case including challenging the breath test, attacking blood tests and ensuring that the constitutional rights of his clients were not violated by the police. One recent example is a case where his client was stopped by the Beverly Hills Police for "weaving" and unsafe lane change. Mr. Ruff suspected that the stop was conducted in violation of his client's fourth amendment rights. Evidence was presented at the DMV administrative hearing alleging that the officer did not have probable cause to stop and detain the driver. The attorney argued that the reason justifying the contact was pretextual and demonstrated that the driving as alleged in the reports was not the truth. At the conclusion of the hearing the Judge agreed and set aside the DUI suspension that was pending
Another way to fight a DUI is to challenge the breath test. Attorney Matthew Ruff has been successful in getting the chemical test thrown out when the cops fail to follow the proper procedures pertaining to the test. For instance, in one recent case he got a test result kicked out at the DMV hearing when he showed the machine was not properly calibrated, in fact it was reading too high in relation to the true accurate result that the simulator solution required.
What is important to understand is that when it comes to hiring legal counsel, not all Beverly Hills Attorneys are suited to defend criminal cases. Just as is the case in medicine, all doctors cannot perform brain surgery, likewise all lawyers cannot successfully defend a criminal charge such as a complex case of driving under the influence. Regardless of the allegation: Petty Theft, Shoplifting, DUI, Drunk Driving, Assault, Alcohol Offenses, Public Intoxication, Driving on a Suspended License, Solicitation of Prostitution, etc. Matthew Ruff has represented a client facing the same thing you or your loved in is facing, he can help keep you out of jail, recall arrest or bench warrant, save your drivers license and protect your reputation, good name and criminal record.
Contact the Lawyer at 310-527-4100 for a free case review.
The Law Office serves all areas of Los Angeles County, the west side, Beverly Hills, LAX Court, West Hollywood, and most other criminal courts in the greater L.A. County region. Please follow Matthew on his Google Plus Page