Top Long Beach Criminal Defense Attorney
Call Matthew Direct on his Cell 310-686-1533

Long Beach has a notorious reputation for being very diligent in enforcement of public intoxication and driving under the influence offenses. Various law enforcement agencies combine their resources in the region, including LBPD, CHP, LAPD, Port Police, Signal Hill P.D. among others. Not many know it but there are at least 20 ways to fight a DUI case in California. You see, the law governs how a breath or blood test shall be administered and very often police officers cut corners in the investigation of a suspected drunk or drugged driver. Matthew Ruff has a history of fighting and winning DUI and public intoxication cases.
The Highest Success Rate!
Matt was hired by a client looking for the best Long Beach DUI Attorney after he was stopped in Signal Hill after officers observed him speeding then making an abrupt turn and almost colliding with the center median. Upon contact the officers made observations of bloodshot watery eyes, odor of an alcoholic beverage, unsteady gait and slurred speech. A PAS breath test was administered showing a level of .20 BAC. Based on this the officers arrested him for DUI and advised him of his requirements to submit to a chemical breath or blood test, he refused. The officers confiscated his license and served him with a suspension notice informing him his license would be gone for 1 year. He hired Matthew who immediately got the refusal suspension "stayed" or stopped pending a hearing. At the hearing, Matt presented evidence the officers failed to follow the law and violated the rights of his client. The DMV agreed and SET ASIDE THE SUSPENSION on August 9, 2023. The client had his driver's license returned to him.
Matthew was retained by a client arrested on the 405 freeway after he was observed urinating in the bushes near an offramp outside his car. The CHP suspected he was under the influence based on the odor of alcohol and an unsteady gait. They administered field sobriety tests and he was arrested. He refused any chemical tests and was also charged with refusal. The Long Beach City Prosecutor wanted jail time. Matt fought the case and was successful in getting the DUI charges dropped.
Matt was called upon to defend a client arrested after officers discovered a weapon in his bag at the Long Beach Airport. The client was traveling back to his home and forgot he left a firearm inside his luggage. He had a pending Court date for carrying a concealed and loaded firearm in public and needed a local lawyer to handle the case. Matt stepped in, went to Court for the client and got ALL CHARGES DISMISSED.
Matthew was hired by a out of state resident visiting here from Florida. The client was arrested for public intoxication near Pine after leaving the Sevilla Nightclub. He was concerned about the consequences the offense would have on his employment as a commercial pilot. Matthew understood the seriousness of the case so he reached out to the City Prosecutor Doug Haubert in order to try and resolve the case prior to filing. You see, because Matthew is a local Long Beach Criminal Defense Attorney he is familiar with the customs and practices of the office and knows ways to informally resolve these types of cases prior to Court. That's exactly what happened in this case, a short time after Matt was retained he called to give the client the great news: ALL CHARGES DROPPED!
Our client was arrested in Belmont Shores after a motorist flagged down a cop and told them a vehicle was driving erratically. The officers located the client a short time later, parked illegally and passed out behind the wheel. The bad news was the client had two prior convictions for DUI and was still on probation for the second. He was arrested and refused to submit to a breath or blood test. Matthew had his work cut out for him, however in Court he filed motions challenging the arrest. The prosecution relented and dismissed the DUI charges, thereby saving the client from mandatory 120 days in jail.
When you are in trouble and need a lawyer you shouldn't settle for second best, Matthew Ruff has over 25 years experience in the courtroom fighting for the rights of his clients and getting dismissals of criminal cases throughout California. Here is what one recent client had to say about how Matthew fought and won his case: " Matthew Ruff represented me in a criminal case in Long Beach. He did an excellent job and got my case dismissed. I am very happy and grateful for his dedication with my case. I couldn't have asked for a better result. Very satisfied! James C. May 4, 2015."
Are you Looking for an experienced and effective Long Beach Criminal Defense Attorney? Well, if you have been charged with a DUI, drunk in public, drug possession, theft charge, prostitution, or any other offense, our Law Firm passionately represents people facing criminal charges in the Long Beach Criminal Court located at 275 Magnolia Avenue. The Court is referred to as the "South District Court" and is part of the Los Angeles County Superior Court system. The courthouse also serves the cities of Signal Hill, Lakewood, San Pedro, Harbor City, Wilmington, and Avalon on the island of Catalina. The judicial district is perhaps the busiest of all the courthouses and the Judges and staff work hard to ensure that justice is dispensed. We handle all serious felony matters in the Long Beach Court.
Matt was retained in July 2016 for a client arrested for domestic violence in Long Beach. He immediately marshaled together the facts and evidence and assembled a package of material to get the charges dismissed. He reached out to the City Prosecutor and after discussing the case it was rejected and no charges were filed.
Matthew was retained to defend a client charged with hit and run in the Long Beach Court. The incident occurred in Signal Hill and involved a traffic collision wherein the client was accused of fleeing the scene of the accident without exchanging information with the other driver. The District Attorney offered a plea deal for probation and a fine, the client however was concerned about the conviction on his record, the increased insurance costs, points, etc. Matthew fought the case for many months and eventually obtained a dismissal of the case this month.
Top 3 Mistakes People Make After An Arrest
1. Hire the cheapest lawyer in town. Indeed, the old adage "you get what you pay for" holds true when shopping for a criminal defense attorney in Long Beach. Attorneys charge what they do based in large part on the number of years experience they have. Therefore, a member of the bar that charges a low fee probably has little or no experience or has a bad reputation in the community.
2. Miss your Court date. The first appearance is known as the arraignment and requires your presence unless you hire a private attorney. If you miss the court date a warrant will issue for your arrest and a failure to appear will be added.
3. Forgetting to request a DMV hearing if arrested for DUI. The CA department of motor vehicles will not grant you an opportunity to challenge the evidence reported by the police officer unless you demand a formal hearing within 10 calendar days after your release.
Did you know that all Long Beach misdemeanor crimes start out in Division 2 of the Court. The first appearance is called an arraignment and the reason for this process is to allow the accused to enter a plea and attempt a resolution prior to any trial. Unlike a traffic ticket where the case goes straight to trial after that, most charges such as DUI, solicitation, drug possession, drunk in public, etc. proceed to a settlement conference with the prosecutor where a resolution is often reached. The cases are assigned a specific division such as 6, 7 or 8 and these courtrooms also conduct jury trials should the charges not be worked out. Matthew Ruff is a criminal attorney in Long Beach with nearly 20 years experience clearing client's records and allowing them to move on with life despite their transgressions.
Long Beach is the 36th largest city in the United States and the 2nd largest city in Los Angeles County. The population is half a million people. Most persons arrested for a criminal offense within the jurisdiction are taken and booked at the Long Beach Police Department with two notable exceptions: if the arrest took place in San Pedro or anywhere within the city of Los Angeles the individual will be processed at the LAPD station, usually Harbor division or 77th Street; if the offense occurred in Signal Hill then the booking will take place at that police jail. A very common question asked is how long will the person be held before they go to Court? The answer to this depends upon the type of offense and furthermore whether a Long Beach Criminal Defense Lawyer in engaged in a timely manner. For most minor criminal violations such as DUI, public intoxication, driving on a suspended license, minor drug possession such as marijuana and other misdemeanors, the arrested person will typically be cited and released on a promise to appear on some later date (usually 2 to 3 weeks away). However, if the criminal charges are for a felony such as robbery, burglary, assault with a deadly weapon, spousal abuse, etc. then bail will ordinarily be set and if no bail is posted they are taken to Court within 48 hours unless the arrest coincides with a weekend or holiday.
The first Court appearance is known as an arraignment and it is at this time a plea is entered to the charges filed. The Long Beach Court has a tripartite system of prosecution, meaning that three different prosecutorial agencies are involved in representing the government or the "People of the State of California". The first and foremost is the Los Angeles District Attorneys office, they file and prosecute all felony charges that originate within the South District, along with some misdemeanors in County areas. Next, is the Long Beach City Prosecutor, they are charged with prosecuting all misdemeanor criminal offenses which occur inside its city limits. Lastly, the Los Angeles City Prosecutor pursues all misdemeanors where the arrest takes place in San Pedro and the city of Los Angeles (usually along the 110 freeway and harbor areas).
As with any serious legal matter, a person facing criminal allegations is well advised to seek the help and assistance of an experienced criminal defense lawyer who is familiar with the local Court. Long Beach Criminal Attorney Matthew Ruff has represented hundreds of clients in the Long Beach criminal Court over the last decade. Because of his close proximity to Long Beach he has the ability to immediately help those who are in jail or have a fast approaching court date. In many cases, he can appear on behalf of his clients thus sparing them the hassle, humiliation and inconvenience in traveling and appearing before the Judge and District Attorney. With nearly fifteen years of criminal defense experience under his belt you can be assured that he will obtain the best outcome to a very embarrassing situation for most people.
Whether your particular case be a felony such as robbery, burglary, grand theft, ADW, domestic violence, sales of drugs, amongst many others or, a misdemeanor DUI, drunk driving, shoplifting in a mall, petty theft, hit and run, public intoxication, marijuana possession or a bench warrant or probation violation in the Long Beach Court, Matthew Ruff can aggressively represent your interests, resolve or defend the case if necessary. Moreover, because he is a local Long Beach Criminal Lawyer, the Judges will typically permit him to "stand in" for his clients thereby sparing them from a embarrassing court appearance.
The New Long Beach Court is Open! It has taken nearly a year but the courthouse has lived up to its promise as a state of the art facility with green features, a more user friendly directory, much more open space and a feel of convenience that was so lacking in the old building on Ocean.
Contact Matt on his Cell 310-686-1533
An example of a recent success is a case where the Long Beach District Attorney filed felony charges against our client, a 46 year old delivery driver, alleging that he attacked his live in girlfriend with a knife following a verbal dispute inside a Wilmington apartment. The complaining witness called the LAPD and they observed bloody slash marks on her arm, she later accused the client of pimping and pandering in addition to the assault with a deadly weapon. The client was arrested and had tried to have the case resolved with the public defender in Long Beach Court, however the DA wanted 3 years in state prison. Mr. Ruff was retained and immediately commenced a well planned investigation and defense of the case, within sixty days he had convinced the prosecutor that the charges were contrived and the case was conditionally dismissed.
Another recent case resulted in a Judge finding that the client was unlawfully detained by the police. Matthew filed a motion to dismiss and demonstrated that the officers violated his client's fourth amendment rights when they detained his client during a DUI investigation in Long Beach. The attorney asserted that the patrolmen lacked probable cause for the arrest that resulted in an allegation of driving under the influence and a refusal to take a chemical test. The case was dismissed on August 22, 2013.
In another case Long Beach Criminal Defense Attorney Matthew Ruff represented a client charged with possession of marijuana for sale and transportation of marijuana with intent to distribute marijuana. The lawyer was faced with the challenge of refuting evidence which included photos from police showing his client carrying several pounds of narcotics from his home and transporting it in his car. In addition, his client had a prior for cultivation of marijuana and other crimes. Despite this daunting evidence of guilt, Mr. Ruff convinced the District Attorney in Long Beach to drop all drug related charges and allow his client to plead to an offense which did not include any jail time and would allow him to have a misdemeanor on his record.
Another recent notable case involved a member of the armed forces charged with assault and battery on a waitress. The client was eating at a restaurant in downtown Long Beach with his friends and got involved in an argument that turned into a shoving match. One of the employees alleged she was struck and threatened along with a patron who alleged she was sexually assaulted by the client. As a member of the military the client knew he needed a local Long Beach Criminal Lawyer to help save his military career and keep him out of jail. Mr. Ruff initiated an investigation and obtained exculpatory evidence which resulted in the original criminal charges being dropped. In another case he was hired by a student charged with resisting arrest by the Long Beach Police Department outside the same bar, these charges were dropped once Matthew got into Court and spoke to the city attorney.
Defending those charged with drug possession on cruise ships is also something Mr. Ruff has much experience in doing, including arrests at the San Pedro terminal and the Long Beach cruise terminal. A prime example of a case is that of a recent disposition he obtained for a client who lived outside the area. The accused was charged with possession of ecstasy pills that were found as the client was disembarking from a cruise to Mexico. The drugs were located in her luggage and she was booked and spent the night in jail before bailing out. A Court date was given and she hired Matthew who went to Long Beach Court with her on October 22, 2009. The attorney was able to get the case dismissed (no jail and no scar on her permanent record) upon the completion of drug education classes in spite of the fact she had a prior conviction for drug use.
Similarly, Mr. Ruff has been able to obtain complete dismissals of hit and run charges for his clients in Department 7. These dismissals are some of approximately over 400 dismissals he has obtained as a criminal defense lawyer in Long Beach and throughout Los Angeles County.
In a recent case Matthew was hired by a client's family over the phone after their son was arrested in his Long Beach area home following a raid by federal officials and search of his home for child pornography. The agents seized his computers and other electronics. Mr. Ruff met with the assistant U.S. Attorney and negotiated a dismissal of all charges and return of his computers even though the agents found illegal images of child pornography on his hard drive.
Along with those types of criminal cases, Matthew has handled many alcohol related offenses in the downtown Long Beach areas of Pine, the Pike, second street and Belmont shores areas of the city. His clients have been arrested for public intoxication (drunk in public) by the local police department. The attorney has obtained dismissals of charges for minors in possession of alcohol and drugs such as marijuana. Mr. Ruff can go to Court on behalf of the client and, in most cases, resolve the criminal allegations without any appearance from the defendant himself. This is particularly helpful when the accused is looking at possible probation violations on top of the current case.
A few final facts about the town: Long Beach is one of the most ethnically diverse communities in America. The local Gay and Lesbian community is one of the largest in the country. The city operates one of the largest deep water ports in the world, has offshore and onshore oil production facilities, a gas utility and one of the largest convention and entertainment centers in the state. The airport is fast becoming a competing choice of travel for LA visitors.
Contact an experienced law firm directly at 310-527-4100 to have an honest, no obligation straight talk assessment of your particular predicament. Taking quick action in speaking with a legal professional may make all the difference in your case. Indecision and procrastination can be your biggest enemy when facing prison time or a lifetime scar on your record. Our Long Beach criminal attorney is skilled in defending any and all criminal charges.
If you are looking for the Best Criminal Defense Lawyer in Long Beach, call Matt for a complimentary phone consultation and strategy session about your case. Matt can explain common mistakes, the potential penalties and consequences of your charges, and important rights you have.