Top Palos Verdes Criminal Defense Attorney
Top Tier DUI Lawyer in Palos Verdes
☎️ Call Matt Direct on his cell 310-686-1533

Matthew Ruff is a Top Tier lawyer who defends individuals charged with all manner of criminal offenses originating in the Palos Verdes Peninsula. The close proximity of our Torrance office allows the attorney to be familiar with the local policies and practices of the police and prosecutor agencies. The primary law enforcement entity is the Palos Verdes Police Department, they enforce laws within the city limits. Outside the city, the Lomita Sheriffs patrol Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills, and the surrounding county areas. Don't settle for second best, call Matt, he provides personal service and has over 25 years experience fighting for the rights of his clients. Among the most common criminal charges are DUI, Drunk Driving, DWI, drug possession, domestic violence, spousal abuse, reckless driving, Hit and Run and alcohol violations.
Matt Has The Highest Success Rate!
COURT VICTORY, FULL ACQUITTAL ON ALL CHARGES: Among the many different types of cases Matt handles are Domestic Violence charges. Just this month Matthew obtained an acquittal for a client arrested in Rancho Palos Verdes for battery on a cohabitant PC 243(e)(1). The client was accused of punching his girlfriend in his vehicle during an argument they were having concerning finances. The Los Angeles Sheriff's Department responded and took pictures of the alleged victim after she made a 911 call about the incident. Deputies then interviewed the accused and obtained what they described as a confession. He was transported and booked at the Lomita Sheriff's Station. The District Attorney picked up the case and wanted probation, DV classes, Cal Trans and a permanent restraining order. Matthew set the case for jury trial. During trial the alleged victim testified she was punched with a clenched fist in the face, however Matt impeached her numerous times on cross examination arguing she was being untruthful. The arresting officer testified the defendant admitted to "slapping" the alleged victim, the client denied he said that. In spite of all this evidence, Matthew argued his client was innocent by using the prosecution's own photographs showing there was no injury to support what the alleged victim claimed had occurred. The jury agreed and found Matt's client NOT GUILTY of all charges. If you or someone you love needs a Rancho Palos Verdes Criminal Defense Attorney for Domestic Violence charges call Matt for help.
Matt was called upon to defend a resident of Rancho Palos Verdes on a DUI involving injury and Hit and Run case. The incident involved a blood alcohol nearly 3 times the legal limit in California and was the client's 3rd offense in 10 years. Matt knew he had his work cut out for him to resolve the case and keep his client out of jail. Matt put together a comprehensive mitigation package that involved treatment and sobriet. The case was presented to a Judge of the Torrance Court who agreed with Matthew and imposed NO JAIL TIME on a 3rd DUI with injury.
Matt was called upon to defend a client arrested on domestic violence charges in Rancho Palos Verdes. The client was referred to Matt based on his great track record of success in getting DV charges dismissed. Matt got the police reports and interviewed the witnesses which revealed the alleged victim was lying. She lied to the Sheriff's deputy who took the report. Matt uncovered this lie and presented the case to the DA, however they refused to drop the case. Matt persisted and set the case for trial. At trial Matt made a motion to dismiss which was granted, ALL CHARGES DROPPED!
If you are facing false allegations and domestic violence charges you need the best defense attorney. Matthew Ruff has over 25 years experience fighting DV charges in Palos Verdes and has the best success record for acquittal of false charges. Where many other lawyers try to persuade their clients to plead guilty and accept a probation offer, Matt fights the case and does not rest until all charges are dropped.
Cases of the month: Matthew had a client who was stopped by Palos Verdes Estates Police on her way home from a bar. The officer claimed to observe her car weaving and failing to stop for a stop sign on PV Drive. When he contacted her he claimed to detect the odor of alcohol and slurred speech. The client was asked to exit the car and perform field sobriety tests, she performed them poorly. The officer arrested her for DUI and requested a chemical test, she agreed to submit to a blood test and was transported to Torrance Memorial. Upon arrival at the hospital she allegedly refused to exit the car whereupon the officer claimed to have read her the chemical test refusal advisement. According to the officer she refused to submit to any test. The officer obtained a search warrant and was able to obtain a blood sample. The client stated she was cooperative but the officer was aggressive and impolite. Her license was taken and she was told it would be suspended for one year, she hired Attorney Ruff. Mr. Ruff demanded a formal DMV hearing and stopped the suspension. At the hearing he presented evidence the report was incorrect and that she complied with California law. The DMV agreed and SET ASIDE the suspension, her license was returned.
Matthew was hired by a resident of Rolling Hills following a vehicle accident. The client was involved in a collision with another vehicle and became scared and fled the scene without exchanging information. Matt took charge and employed an investigator to obtain information and properly advise the client. No charges were filed.
In another noteworthy case, A Rancho Palos Verdes resident was arrested for domestic violence after his wife called 911 and reported she had been struck by her husband. The incident took place at a time when she had been drinking excessively and the husband was simply trying to calm her down. The Lomita Sheriff's arrested the husband and he was forced to post bail, he was given a Court date in Torrance and subsequently hired Matthew to defend him. Matt took a proactive approach and reached out to the DA ahead of time. All charges were dropped without having to go to Court.
In an update to an earlier case, Matthew was retained by a resident of Rancho Palos Verdes after he was arrested in his home for a domestic violence allegation. Turns out his wife contacted the Sheriff's Department and made false allegations of abuse after he discovered she had been cheating on him and asked for a divorce. Matthew uncovered evidence proving his innocence and demanded a dismissal of all charges. The DA reluctantly agreed and dropped the charges after months of litigation.
Another example of a case Matthew handled was a DUI case originating in Palos Verdes Estates. The client, a PVE resident, was arrested outside her home after the local police got a 911 call about a drunk driver. The police showed up and arrested the client for driving under the influence after she failed several field sobriety tests and blew above the limit on a preliminary alcohol screening test. At the station she blew a .14 and was booked and given a Court date in Torrance. Matthew obtained the police reports and discovered a violation of his client's constitutional rights. A hearing was conducted and a Superior Court Judge agreed and all charges were dismissed in November 2014.
In another recent case, Matthew was retained by a local RPV resident after being stopped along Palos Verdes Drive by the LASD for speeding and unsafe lane change. The officer detected the odor of an alcoholic beverage because the client had a couple of drinks with friends in the Long Beach area earlier in the day, therefore field sobriety test were administered. A field breath test revealed a BAC above the legal limit and the homeowner was arrested for DUI and taken to Lomita station for another series of breath test, all showed a level above state maximums. He hired Matt because his job in th Aerospace industry frowned upon criminal convictions. A defense team was assembled utilizing the services of a forensic toxicologist to show the breath tests were not a true indicator of his actual blood alcohol level at the time of driving. At the DMV hearing in El Segundo, Matthew presented evidence attacking the BAC and testimony from an expert that th client was below the per se limit when he was stopped. The hearing officer agreed and the DUI license suspension was overturned in July of 2014.
Does Matthew defend cases in Palos Verdes Estates CA? Yes, PVE as it is known is a city that has its own police force so the prosecution of criminal offenses in the city tends to be more prevalent than in other municipalties along the PV coastline. Among the many types of cases are domestic violence, spousal abuse, assault and battery, DUI and property crimes such as vandalism. Th PVE police patrol the "Drive" that intersects the city and makes a fair number of arrests for drug and alcohol realted misdemeanors and reckless driving.
Call or Text Matt 310-686-1533
All arrests made in the Palos Verdes Peninsula eventually are prosecuted in the Torrance court located at 825 Maple. The District Attorney is responsible for filing formal complaints and the case is usually heard in Division P of the Court on the fourth floor. As of 2014 the presiding Judge of the Palos Verdes Criminal Court is the Honorable Nicole Bershon. In some unique cases, a special prosecutor may be appointed to pursue local city code violations and other infractions. As a criminal defense attorney, Matthew Ruff has personally handled hundreds of criminal cases within the Palos Verdes area. His range of experience includes jury trials, complex constitutional motions, expungements, DMV administrative actions concerning a person's driving privilege, preliminary hearings too name just a few. If the arrest involved a drivers license confiscation, the venue for a formal hearing is the El Segundo Driver Safety Office on North Sepulveda Blvd.
What three decades have taught him is that time is of the essence in any criminal case. If the attorney can get a jump on the case, it may be possible to avoid formal charges being filed at all. The Lomita Sheriff's Department investigates and submits all criminal charges to the Los Angeles District Attorney for cases occurring in Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills Estates and Rolling Hills proper. Palos Verdes Estates has their own Department that investigates and prepares cases for filing. Some cases, such as drunk driving, actually require quick affirmative action or else serious consequences can occur. For example, if you or someone in your family is cited for drinking and driving a DMV hearing must be demanded within 10 calendar days or you will lose the right to later challenge the suspension. Matt has experience with these matters and can assist you in protecting your constitutional and statutory rights.
All too frequently our office gets phone calls from frantic citizens looking for a criminal defense lawyer who practices in Palos Verdes Estates and Rolling Hills or Rancho Palos Verdes. They are concerned about their pending drunk driving case or criminal matter and have questions regarding their rights, the upcoming Court appearance or what to do about saving a drivers license. Our law Firm has well over a decade of real life experience in the defense of criminal prosecutions. If you or someone close to you is facing a serious criminal charge, has a bench warrant, has received a letter from the DMV concerning a license suspension or some other legal matter where the police are involved, contact Criminal Defense Attorney Matthew Ruff, he knows the Palos Verdes Court and judicial system, he can help.
With nearly three decades of experience, Matt has achieved excellent results for clients arrested in the South Bay. For example, recently Mr. Ruff was hired by a PVE resident who had been stopped and charged with DUI. We immediately obtained a DMV administrative hearing to save the drivers license. At the hearing we were able to establish that the Palos Verdes Estates police officer failed to follow mandated regulations regarding the administration of the breath test, the hearing officer ruled in our favor and the license was returned. Subsequently, in criminal Court Mr. Ruff convinced the DA to drop the DUI and excessive blood alcohol charges based on the improprieties in the chemical testing process. In another recent case the attorney was able to negotiate a no county jail deal for a client facing a third DUI with very aggravated facts. The client hit a parked car on her way home to Rolling Hills. The Palos Verdes Estates DUI task force was dispatched and found the client slumped over the wheel of her vehicle, a breath test revealed a blood alcohol level of .24, three times the legal limit in California. Despite this overwhelming evidence of drunk driving, Matthew Ruff avoided the mandatory minimum sentence of 120 days in jail for which the client was very grateful.
In another case, Matthew was contacted by a Palos Verdes family in search of a DUI Attorney for their young son. The 20 year old was arrested at a DWI checkpoint in the South Bay and spent the night in jail. Making the situation even more stressful was the fact the client was under 21 and close to graduating college and out in the job market soon. Matthew immediately took steps to arrange a stay of the DMV action. He subsequently commenced an investigation that uncovered substantial evidentiary issues relating to the breath test. The case went to Court and Mr. Ruff brought out the problems pertaining to the state's case and the Judge agreed and found the client NOT GUILTY. Matthew took this acquittal to the DMV and obtained a set aside of the pending suspension and the young man's record was cleared of all DUI and alcohol charges.
In a quite different matter, Matt was hired by a Rancho Palos Verdes client who had been accused of domestic violence. He was facing a kick out order of his own home and the loss of his job. Matthew fought the case in Torrance Court and obtained a complete dismissal of all charges.
Top 4 Ways To Beat a Palos Verdes Criminal Charge!
1. The Deputy Violated Your Fourth Amendment Rights. If you were stopped, detained, searched or arrested the law requires certain levels of proof and for the cop to articulate the reasons why he acted. Matthew is well versed in the Constitutional aspects of the law and can show your rights were violated in the appropriate case. If your 4th amendment rights were infringed upon the charges can be dismissed.
2. The District Attorney lacks sufficient evidence. The laws force the DA to prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. If the prosecutor lacks proof of the crime due to a missing witness, insufficient evidence or other reasons Matt can get the charges dismissed or you could be acquitted.
3. File a Motion. There are numerous statutes available to have charges dismissed in the appropriate case. For example, just recently Matt got charges dropped using Penal Code 1001.95 which allows a Judge to step in, over the objection of the District Attorney, and dismiss charges in some cases. As a local Palos Verdes Criminal Defense Attorney for over 25 years, Matthew has the experience and skills to resolve your case successfully.
4. The Arresting Officer Failed to Read You Your Miranda Rights. If you were arrested for a criminal charge and thereafter the police obtained incriminating statements from you, the law requires the officer read you certain rights that explain you have a right to remain silent and a right to an attorney before and during any questioning. These rights are sometimes referred to as "Miranda Rights" and if the cops failed to read these rights then the incriminating statements they obtained can be suppressed.
Let Matt's experience and expertise, along with being a resident of Rancho Palos Verdes, be your key to victory, he has actual in Court experience for all South Bay cities from RPV east view, RHE, Miraleste, Valmonte, Rolling Hills Behind The Gates, Malaga Cove and Lunada Bay. Criminal attorney Matthew Ruff has helped clients get their life returned to normal after an arrest for all criminal allegations, including DUI, Domestic Violence, Drug Possession, Drunk Driving, Under 21 Alcohol Driving Offenses.
California Criminal Law Update: As of 2021 the Penal Code allows for what is called Judicial Diversion. This law under PC1001.95 permits a lawyer to request diversion and dismissal for criminal charges on most misdemeanors, excluding crimes of domestic violence and sex offenses. Matthew has been successful in many cases such as gun charges, drunk in public, theft, possession of drugs and other crimes. This law can keep the record clean for clients with minimal criminal history. The statute allows for the arrest to be sealed so that it doesn't show up in background checks. Contact Matt for more information.