Top Tier Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer Matthew Ruff
Call Matthew Directly For A Consultation 310-527-4100
Matthew Ruff is a TOP TIER criminal defense attorney with over 23 years experience defending good people charged with doing sometimes very embarrassing things. Among the many crimes he has handled are Internet offenses involving allegations of child pornography, revenge porn, sexual assault, rape and many other charges with phenomenal success.
Case of the month: Matthew was successful this week in keeping his client out of jail on Felony Possession of Child Pornography charges in Los Angeles Court. The District Attorney alleged his client possessed more than 6000 images and videos of illicit child content which exposed the client to over 7 years in State Prison. The DA was adamant that the client go to jail, however Matt was equally insistent that his client serve no time in custody given the fact he completed intensive rehabilitation and counseling and had no previous criminal record. Matthew won the fight! He obtained a NO JAIL probation sentence that would also allow the client to someday petition for a misdemeanor.
Why is Hiring an Attorney Early The Best Decision? In these cases detectives will typically try and get statements and interviews relating to the allegations. The investigators will be very aggressive and try creative ways to get the client to start talking and incriminating himself. Matt knows these tactics well and can act as a buffer to shield the police from harrassing the client to get incriminating admissions. Recently, Matt was hired to defend a client being investigated for PC 288 accusations in Gardena California. Matt was able to prevent interviews and attempts to acquire damaging statements and eventually the charges were all dropped.
This website is intended to provide information for persons arrested, investigated or charged with any sex offense and those seeking a Lawyer for: Aggravated Sexual Assault , Child Molestation Attorney, Child Pornography Attorney, Date Rape Attorney, Failure to Register as a sex offender, Forced or Unlawful Copulation Lawyer, Indecent Exposure Attorney, Internet Pornography, Lascivious Conduct Attorney, Lewd Acts, Marital Rape Attorney, Molestation, Oral Copulation, Pandering, Pimping, Child Pornography Defense Lawyer, Prostitution Attorney, Rape, Sexual Assault, Sexual Battery, Solicitation, Sex with Minor, Statutory Rape Attorney, Unlawful Sodomy Attorney, Lewd Act in Public Place Attorney, Soliciting a Lewd Act Attorney, Solicitation for Prostitution ........
It is a fact that innocent people are falsely accused of sex crimes in the United States, and the results are devastating. All it takes is a false accusation from one person to change your life forever. If you have been falsely accused of committing any type of sex crime your reputation can be ruined in an instant. Personal relationships may end, jobs may be lost, child custody may be affected, and your good name may be damaged as the result of being WRONGFULLY ACCUSED of a sex crime!
There are many instances in which innocent people are wrongly accused of sex crimes such as prostitution, solicitation, or loitering for prostitution. Merely being in the wrong place at the wrong time has resulted in the arrests of many innocent people. A more controversial situation in which people are arrested for prostitution-related crimes is called a sting operation. In a prostitution sting operation, an undercover police officer a "decoy" will pose as a prostitute and deceive the innocent victim, placing them in a compromising situation. The "John" will then be arrested for soliciting a prostitute.
If you have recently been arrested, charged or are being investigated for a sex crime you need the immediate assistance of a qualified sex crime defense lawyer. The attorney been successfully representing people accused of sex crimes for over 23 years, including those charged with rape, date rape, prostitution, solicitation of prostitution, child molestation, lewd acts and pornography.
If you fail to understand the severity of the accusation and are convicted of a sex crime you will be a "sex offender" and have to endure the stigma of that label for the rest of your life. You may have to register as a sex offender until you die! You will be required to follow all rules that pertain to sex offenders, including penalties for failing to register. Your neighbors or fellow co-workers may be informed that a sex offender is residing or employed in the neighborhood, which may produce a difficult living or working environment. You will also face other serious legal consequences, such as a prison or jail term if you are convicted, which under certain circumstances includes the possibility of a life sentence. These consequences demonstrate the importance of selecting a qualified Lawyer.
The following is a list of some of the offenses we have successfully defended over the years:
- Aggravated sexual assault
- Attempt 288 (Internet chatting)
- Child molestation
- Child pornography
- Date rape
- Forced or unlawful copulation
- Indecent exposure
- Internet pornography
- Lascivious conduct
- Lewd acts
- Marital rape
- Molestation
- Pandering
- Pedophilia
- Pimping
- Pornography
- Prostitution
- Rape
- Sex crimes upon an unconscious person
- Sexual abuse
- Sexual assault
- Sexual battery
- Sexual intercourse gained by threats or violence
- Sexual obscenity
- Solicitation
- Statutory rape
- Unlawful penetration
- Unlawful sodomy
- Violent sex crimes
We have the knowledge and experience to fight to have the charges against you dropped, have your sentence reduced, or have the terms of your punishment modified. When you need an experienced lawyer, we will be here.
If you have been arrested for the crime of attempted Lewd act on a child (PC 288, 664)under the age of 14 based on Internet chat, you may be the victim of entrapment by law enforcement. Recently the authorities have been overzealous in luring persons into chatting and later contacting imaginary underage children who later turn out to be adult decoys. Our office believes many of these cases can be defended as entrapment.
In a recent case attorney Matthew Ruff was successful in getting all felony attempt 288 charges dropped in a Internet sting operation in Los Angeles County. The client was facing lifelong 290 registration and jail in a case where he was caught in an Internet chat room allegedly having sexually explicit conversations with a 13 year old girl. The attorney exposed weaknesses in the prosecution's case and negotiated a deal for a misdemeanor with informal probation, no jail and no 290 registration. Our office has represented numerous clients faced with attempted 288, 288.3, 288.2, attempt 647.6 charges. In virtually every case, we have been able to get charges dropped, reduced, or negotiate resolutions that do not require jail or prison sentences.
Court Victories
Matthew was hired to defend a young man accused of revenge porn in Southern California. The client was being blackmailed by a former girlfriend and needed help. Matt got involved and immediately took steps to end the harassment. In the end not charges were filed and the client was able to move forward with his life.
Attorney Matthew J. Ruff was retained by the family of a man falsely accused of engaging in sexual acts with children in his church, including PC 288 and forcible rape. The Lawyer conferred with the prospective client and agreed that he was being "set up" by his accuser and her family. Mr. Ruff undertook a very aggressive investigation and uncovered exonerating evidence. He took the case to the Los Angeles district attorney and persuaded them to drop all charges against his client. Within hours he walked his client out of jail a free man, and avoided a lifelong stigma of sex offender registration and embarrassment.
In another case, our client was charged with rape of his girlfriend, among other serious felony offenses. Mr. Ruff believed his client that the charges were instigated by financial motivations. He commenced an intensive defense strategy which included establishing the ulterior motives of the alleged victim. After discussing the case with the Torrance District Attorneys office, they agreed to dismiss the sex offense felonies and the client was released from jail.
In yet another recent criminal case, Matthew Ruff was retained by a mother to represent her son accused of statutory rape. The client was young and in danger of going to jail for a lengthy period of time. The Lawyer built a legal defense after meeting with the client. He went to Court and convinced the D.A. and the Judge to drop all charges and the client was released to his family a free man.
Call our office for an immediate personal free consultation directly with Defense Attorney Matthew J. Ruff, you will not be passed off to a legal assistant or paralegal.
Contact us Toll Free (877) 213-4453 for a CONFIDENTIAL Consultation direct with the Lawyer. You may never have to appear in Court!
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