Top Los Angeles Vandalism Defense Attorney
Call Matthew Ruff Directly at 310-527-4100
The crime of Vandalism can be either a felony or a misdemeanor depending upon the supposed value of the damaged property. Often these offenses involve evidence problems that a good vandalism defense attorney can exploit to obtain a favorable result and keep the charge off your criminal record. Top Rated Defense Lawyer Matthew Ruff has over 25 years experience defending charges involving damaged property throughout Los Angeles County , he knows the law and defenses to get weak or baseless charges dismissed. Whether the case involves a situation where the accused is a minor, an adult or someone with whom the alleged victim has a dating or marital relationship Matt knows how to fight and win these types of cases.
Arrested for Malicious Mischief? Tagging, Destruction of Property are all names for PC594 and it is a serious criminal charge that can carry jail time. Vandalism is defined as the intentional destruction of personal or real property. California law distinguishes whether the offense will be regarded as a misdemeanor or a felony based upon the monetary value of the damage. For destruction of four hundred dollars or more, the statute make the act a felony, if the damage caused is less than $400 then the conduct will be treated as a misdemeanor. As a local criminal defense lawyer, Matthew Ruff has seen hundreds of vandalism cases over the course of his career. What is important to understand is that this particular type of offense is regarded as criminal and if the case goes to Court and a conviction culminates, the person's permanent record will be forever impacted. Therefore, vandalism charges should be defended by an attorney familiar with the nuances and fine points of the crime.
Recent Case Results: Matthew was retained by a client in Manhattan Beach charged with Vandalism after he was involved in a fight with his wife and destroyed various items of property. Given the fact it was a domestic violence case the District Attorney was very aggressive on prosecution. Notwithstanding the opposition Matt pressed on and negotiated a COMPLETE DISMISSAL of the charges in Torrance Court Division P following certain conditions.
Many people do not know that a conviction for the crime of vandalism can mean the loss of your drivers license in California. Correct, if not handled properly a malicious mischief conviction can result in the loss of your driving privileges. In addition, juvenile offenders can face incarceration and negative consequences on your criminal record as an adult.
Most acts of alleged vandalism are prosecuted by a special team of prosecutors within the District Attorneys Office. Special circumstances in any given case could result in additional enhancements incorporated within the formal complaint. For example, when the conduct involves suspected gang members, the police will usually request that a street gang enhancement be charged. This can usually be seen in cases of graffiti. Moreover, when the damage is related to a domestic dispute, the investigators will typically seek special allegations of domestic violence which could require a more severe sentence if the charges result in a conviction. In cases where the property damage exceeds five thousand dollars, special statutes in the Penal Code may be triggered which mandate minimum jail time or state prison.
Penal Code section 594 is the general statute that governs vandalism laws in California. The main mental state required in the law is that of maliciousness, it is this malice element that differentiates the crime from others that criminalize destruction of property. The relevant sections of the statute is set forth as follows:
(a) Every person who maliciously commits any of the following acts with respect to any real or personal property not his or her own, in cases other than those specified by state law, is guilty of vandalism:
One very interesting case involved the interpretation of vandalism as it pertains to the property belonging to husband and wife, the California Court held that a conviction for vandalism was proper after defendant caused more than $15,000 in damage to his wife's house and belongings. The court embraced the emerging rule imposing criminal liability on a spouse for intentionally causing harm to property in which the other spouse had an interest, whether the property was individual or marital, and whether the harm occurred outside or inside the marital home.
Another important point about a criminal vandalism charge in California is that if the person is convicted it goes down on individual's driving record. It will remain on a driver's DMV record for a minimum of 7 years, and if the accused is under 21 it could result in a license suspension. Always consult a lawyer before pleading guilty or no contest to any PC594.
The important thing to remember when dealing with the crime of vandalism or any other serious criminal offense is that the District Attorney is on the side of the government, you need a advocate on your side to help level the playing field in Court. Serving Torrance, Redondo Beach, Hermosa, Manhattan, Palos Verdes, Hawthorne, Inglewood, Long Beach and all Courts in Los Angeles County. Matthew Ruff has been involved in hundreds of cases where vandalism was alleged and he has always been able to favorably resolve the case to his client's satisfaction.
Matt has defended many vandalism charges throughout California during the course of his career. In one recent case the DA charged a PC 594 as a domestic violence crime because the alleged victim was a family member. This could have meant the punishment would include mandatory year long DV classes, among other things. Fortunately, Matthew was able to get the charges completely dismissed in the Torrance Court.
If you are looking for a Top Vandalism Attorney in Torrance or anywhere else in Los Angeles County call Matt for a strategy session today.